Visual Metaphor: thoughts

Visual Metaphor

Visual Metaphor are the ramblings of an engineering student up in University of Waterloo, Canada. My favorite rants are about philosophy, morality, religion, technology, society and culture with the occassional psychedelic poetry

Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, March 13, 2005


What if the next level of evolution is our thoughts becoming aware of themselves?

I thought of this after yesterday's discussion with Taneem (and co.) about order in chaos in parallel with consciousness emerging from matter which emerged from energy (which got "here" somehow).

I made the point that consciousness is the benchmark from which we can distinguish order in chaos, because otherwise any 'order' is simply groupings of perception (i.e. particles lined up, in a fractal, a square or any predictable pattern in space-time). This universal energy soup pot: is it trying to achieve order or awareness? In my perspective, order doesn't mean anything to the "universe" if it isn't aware. Organizing matter so that it is very neat and in patterns will not accomplish anything different from a random arrangement, unless the patterns allow the matter to transcend themselves. It seems to me that against all odds (i.e. according to Faraz the Law of Entropy, which according to this website is: Energy spontaneously disperses from being localized to becoming spread out if it is not hindered. ) there seems to be matter this is collectively grouping together to form sentient beings (chemical bonds hinder the dispersion tendency and therefore life is able to exist and planets aren't a sea of atoms).

However Taneem said that maybe there's something more. Ofcourse, he likes to talk fruity. My viewpoint stems from my belief that consciousness is the penultimate existence. To be fully aware. But he brings up a good point I hadn't thought before (regardless of its fruitiness). Maybe the benchmark is something else, and not consciousness or awareness. Well then, we obviously have no idea what that is, just like matter would not know what thoughts are and energy equally oblivious to the matter it has "created". Maybe ORDER is not necessarily the means to achieve the goal of this continuum. That is, maybe in early evolution of the universe, order is necessary to convert energy to matter, matter to sentient life forms capable of symbolic thought. Now maybe CHAOS is required to make the next universal paradigm shift. Maybe not.

So I was thinking of what could the next shift be? (even tho we probably will never know, but then again, there hasn't been sentient beings capable of self-reflective thinking)
I was also thinking of how the universe could have begun. It is possible that it was a thought of God...God's mind..imagination. How else can a universe be created out of nothing. In fact, don't we have a gift to achieve that as well? Just close your eyes, and create a universe. Where does it exist? It can be of infinte space, have its own time, own rules and laws (though very hard to imagine differently from or break free from the system we are held within). All of it is contained in a very abstract place: a collection of chemical interactions between your brain cells 'evoke' this universe. This pseudo-universe is only a thought in your mind, but it holds all the keys to making a pseudo thought life being. However, it won't have free will. Only controlled by your mind, what you want it to do. Now what if, IT became distinct. Within your mind, a free-willed sentient being, completely dependent on you continuing your pseudo-universe dream/imagination and not being distracted by a shiny object in the 'real' world, but completely aware of its "existence".

Thoughts becoming self-aware.

EDIT: Not to say this is the only idea out there as the "next step". There is also shared consciousness among groups of people (see: borg) and mind controlling matter to a greater extent (how about time while we're at it? heh) ... which are actually more likely to happen first (if at all).


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