Visual Metaphor: thinking again

Visual Metaphor

Visual Metaphor are the ramblings of an engineering student up in University of Waterloo, Canada. My favorite rants are about philosophy, morality, religion, technology, society and culture with the occassional psychedelic poetry

Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, November 25, 2004

thinking again

Ah, the drive home is so gloomy. Dark skies, hypnotic driving at 60...then 20...then 0..then 120 all of sudden. Damn hiways, so inconsistent.

So when i'm not sleeping while driving and not trying to find a decent radio station ..i think. Today i was thinking about how our society would achieve a new high once education would become free. Some countries, i think sweden, already have free higher education. That's quite awesome. I don't care if taxes are used to pay for education, but if education is not directly payed for, and is "free", that would be a great improvement in society. Simply because the taxes can atleast spread the load, and that does not include the vast (hopefully) improvement in the social structure with more people not limited to what they can learn, what skills they can pick up ... greatly improving economy. There would also be an influx of intelligent and motivated people from other countries, attracted by the learning prospects. Not that Canada needs to bait people to come here.

Anywho, free education would be good.


Blogger fahd said...

ah...yes...if only i can make time from my eating/watching tv routine...

7:28 PM  

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